The discourses on the civil society and the State in the context of European and post-colonial narratives: Re-conceptualizing the civil society in Pakistan


1Dottorato di ricerca in Teoria Politica (XXV ciclo), LUISS Guido Carli, Roma, 2013. Relatori: Prof. Sebastiano Maffettone, Prof. Valentina Gentile.openUnderstanding the social contract as the justification of the State. The discourses on the State: a comparative perspective from early modern, modern and post modern era. Theory building on the State: the modernization, core-periphery (dependency), neo-dependancy and the world systems schools. The case of the civil society: evolution of the term since early times/historical and philosophical background. Theoretical approaches to civil society: normative and perspective features towards understanding the concept. The liberal and the non-liberal narratives to the discourses on the civil society. The Post-colonial studies approach towards understanding the civil society. Post-colonial theoretical framework: retracing the concept of civil society. The historiography of the politics of the governed in Pakistan: constructing the political narrative of the marginal fragments.openDottorato di ricerca in Teoria politicaNISAR, TEHSEENNisar, Tehsee

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