Increasing the reliability and the profit in a redundancy allocation problem


This paper proposes a new mathematical model for multi-objective redundancy allocation problem (RAP) without component mixing in each subsystem when the redundancy strategy can be chosen for individual subsystems. Majority of the mathematical model for the multi-objective redundancy allocation problems (MORAP) assume that the redundancy strategy for each subsystem is predetermined and fixed. In general, active redundancy has received more attention in the past. However, in practice both active and cold-standby redundancies may be used within a particular system design and the choice of the redundancy strategy becomes an additional decision variable. The proposed model for MORAP simultaneously maximizes the reliability and the net profit of the system. And finally, to clarify the proposed mathematical model a numerical example will be solved. Keywords: Redundancy Allocation Problem, Serial-Parallel System, Redundancy Strategies, MORAP

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