Life-world oriented education in the times of the Covid-19 lockdown. as pedagogical tool


The rapidly enforced lockdown and school closures in many countries have shaken up school and university life from one day to the other. Educational institutions which, due to geographical circumstances, focus on adult continuing education or are by charter defined as pilot schools, have been able to react quickly to these new circumstances. However, the majority of the traditional educational institutions seem to have had great difficulties and there was no digital teaching, learning or assessment strategy ready to be implemented. And if that wasn't already enough, a massive controversy broke out regarding which school subjects are more important than others. In particular, the Art lessons were criticized for being not important and that children should not be burdened with this "rubbish". This is of course the wrong approach, because Art in all its many facets plays an important role in the way society is defined and operates. And Art, such as music, film, books and comics, played an essential role in the Covid-19 situation and particularly during lockdown periods. Art lessons and home-schooling or distance learning, are not necessarily opposites or an antithesis. Increasingly, students are using apps in their daily life where the connection to art and cultural studies is only a click away. This conference contribution would like to put teaching through Twitch.TV up for discussion and take up the cudgels for modern Art teaching and learning.peer-reviewe

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