Proposing a new tracer gas for future field applications of passive tracer gas tests for air change rate measurement


This paper describes the ongoing development of a new adaptation of the traditional tracer gas test (TGT) used for total air change rates (ACH) measurement. This adapted TGT, based on constant tracer injection, is intended for use in large-scale IAQ assessments and employs an alternative tracer gas that is more adequate than the currently employed SF6 and perfluorocarbons, and that can be co-captured and coanalysed with commonly assessed VOCs by commercial passive IAQ-sampling. Via literature study and lab experiments, decane-D22 was found to be a suitable tracer substance. A passive source of decane- D22 was developed and optimized in lab, providing stable and repeatable emission rates under standard temperature, while unaffected by varying RH and ACH. The effect of the liquid solvent level over the source emission rate was only barely noticeable, but a range of adequate solvent level is suggested nevertheless. The selected tracer was also shown not to adhere/absorb significantly to surfaces. Additionally, a consistent exponential curve was derived for determining the source emission rate from the room temperature. Field applications of this new TGT adaptation are ongoing and will be published elsewhere shortly

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