
Building a smarter future towards a sustainable Scottish solution for the future of higher education: consultation report


"The higher education green paper: Building a Smarter Future, was launched in the Scottish Parliament on 16 December 2010 following a lengthy period of discussion with stakeholders in the sector. The deadline for the consultation responses was Friday 25 February 2011. In total there have been 115 consultation responses, these comprised of 28 individuals and 87 group responses. In addition to the option to formally contribute to the consultation, opportunities were also offered for those with an interest to attend one of five public events. Over 250 people from 80 organisations attended these events. We also had over 1,500 unique visits to the green paper pages on the Engage for Education website and around 300 people participated in our online survey. This report pulls together the main themes from all of this activity." - Page 4

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