
A computationally efficient method for obtaining model forecast winds in the vicinity of complex coastal orography


Advances in computers have provided the means for generating fine resolution mesoscale numerical weather predictions (NWPs). Each computer advance brings demands for forecasts on ever smaller scales, especially by such disciplines as air pollution modeling and fire weather forecasting. Weather forecasts and observations on very small scales are essential for driving the models used in these important decision-making processes. Even with the improvements in mesoscale NWPs, the horizontal scales desired by these communities are still too small to be treated by current computer technology in a timely and practical fashion. Even if the computer resources were adequate, mesoscale model parameterizations are not necessarily appropriate for these small scales, thereby potentially introducing significant model error in mesoscale NWPs.The use of supercomputers supported by the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program was necessary to generate the results presented in this study

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