Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tuzla and Faculty of Food Technology, University of J. J. Strossmayer Osijek
Uvod: Racionalna potrošnja lijekova preduvjet je održivog i učinkovitog zdravstvenog sustava. Praćenjem kretanja potrošnje lijekova možemo analizirati njihov status te na taj način evaluirati stanje pojedine skupine lijekova.
Cilj: Cilj ovog rada bio je usporediti potrošnju lijekova u Gradu Zagrebu i Požeško-slavonskoj županiji te analizirati razlike u potrošnji.
Metode: Korištenjem podataka Hrvatske agencije za lijekove i medicinske proizvode (HALMED) analizirali smo potrošnju lijekova prema anatomsko-terapijsko-kemijskoj (ATK) klasifikaciji izraženu u definiranoj dnevnoj dozi na 1000 stanovnika po danu (DDD/1000/dan) i novčano (HRK). Skupine lijekova koje su analizirane su sljedeće: lijekovi koji djeluju na probavni sustav i mijenu tvari (ATK skupina A), kardiovaskularni sustav (ATK skupina C), lijekovi za liječenje sustavne infekcije (ATK skupina J) i za respiratorni sustav (ATK skupina R).
Rezultati: Grad Zagreb bilježi rast potrošnje lijekova koji djeluju na probavni sustav i mijenu tvari sa 118.10 DDD 2010. godina na 179.39 DDD 2017. godine. Novčano, potrošnja je porasla s 105,062,656 HRK na 135,642,231 HRK. U istom razdoblju u Požeško-Slavonskoj županiji zabilježen je pad potrošnje iste skupine lijekova s 158.72 DDD na 130.49 DDD. Izraženo u kunama, ostvaren je pad s 8,768,315 HRK na 8,013,176 HRK. U Gradu Zagreb je od 2010. do 2017. godine zabilježen je blagi pad potrošnje lijekova koji djeluju na kardiovaskularni sustav s 368.44 DDD na 354.07 DDD. U financijskom smislu ostvareno je smanjeno opterećenje s 174,866,121 HRK na 138,363,227 HRK. U istom razdoblju u Požeško-Slavonskoj županiji smanjena je potrošnja s 518.77 DDD na 249.97 DDD. Izraženo u kunama, potrošnja je smanjena s 14,873,979 HRK na 10,114,315 HRK. Potrošnja lijekova za liječenje sustavnih infekcija ostala je stabilna tijekom vremena u Gradu Zagrebu - 21.59 DDD, odnosno 22.93 DDD. Međutim, financijsko opterećenje je značajno poraslo s 40,579,840 HRK na 114,858,971 HRK. U Požeško-Slavonskoj županiji njihova potrošnja je prepolovljena, s 26.06 DDD na 18.14 DDD te s 3,153,539 HRK na 1,888,795 HRK. U Gradu Zagrebu zabilježen je porast potrošnje lijekova koji djeluju na respiratorni sustav s 55.59 DDD na 64.65 DDD. Prevedeno u novac, potrošnja je porasla sa 60,643,520 HRK na 67,842,946 HRK. Požeško-Slavonska županija bilježi pad potrošnje iste skupine lijekova s 64.23 DDD na 53.69 DDD, odnosno s 4,682,399 HRK na 3,921,239 HRK.
Zaključak: Grad Zagreb bilježi rast potrošnje 3 skupine lijekova i u DDD i u HRK. Pala je samo potrošnja lijekova koji djeluju na kardiovaskularni sustav. Za razliku od toga, Požeško-Slavonska županija bilježi pad u sve 4 skupine lijekova u oba parametra. 2010. godine potrošnja sve 4 ATK skupine lijekova u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji izražena u DDD bila je veća nego u Gradu Zagrebu, dok je 2017. godina ona manja u svim promatranim skupinama.Introduction: Rational drug consumption is essential for a sustainable and efficient health system. By monitoring drug consumption trends, we can analyze and evaluate the state of a particular group of drugs.
Aim: The aim of this paper was to compare drug consumption in the City of Zagreb and Požega-Slavonia County and analyze the differences in consumption.
Methods: Data were acquired from the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of Croatia (HALMED). We analyzed the consumption of drugs according to The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System and expressed in the defined daily doses per 1000 inhabitants per day (DDD/1000/day) and money (HRK). The following groups of drugs were analyzed: drugs affecting the alimentary tract and metabolism (ATC group A), cardiovascular system (ATC group C), antiinfectives for systemic use (ATC group J) and drugs affecting the respiratory system (ATC group R).
Results: City of Zagreb documented a rise in the consumption of drugs that affect alimentary tract and metabolism, from 118.10 DDD in 2010 to 179.39 DDD in 2017. In terms of money, consumption increased from HRK 105,062,656 to HRK 135,642,231. During the same period, in the Požega-Slavonia County, there was a decrease in consumption of the same drug group from 158.72 DDD to 130.49 DDD. Expressed in HRK, a decrease from HRK 8,768,315 to HRK 8,013,176 was recorded. In the City of Zagreb, from 2010 to 2017, there was a slight decrease in the consumption of drugs that affect the cardiovascular system, from 368.44 DDD to 354.07 DDD. In financial terms, there was a cost reduction from HRK 174,866,121 to HRK 138,363,227. In the same period, consumption in Požega-Slavonia County decreased from 518.77 DDD to 249.97 DDD. In Croatian kunas, the cost decreased from HRK 14,873,979 to HRK 10,114,315. The consumption of antiinfectives for systemic use remained stable over the observed time period in the City of Zagreb –21.59 DDD in 2010 to 22.93 DDD to 2017. However, the financial burden increased significantly from HRK 40,579,840 to HRK 114,858,971 respectively. In the County of Požega-Slavonia the consumption and cost were reduced almost 50%, from 26.06 DDD to 18.14 DDD and from 3.153.539 HRK to 1.888.795 HRK respectively. In the City of Zagreb there was an increase in the consumption of drugs affecting the respiratory system, from 55.59 DDD to 64.65 DDD. Converted into money, consumption increased from HRK 60,643,520 to HRK 67,842,946. County of Požega-Slavonia recorded a decrease in consumption of the same drug group from 64.23 DDD to 53.69 DDD and from 4.682.399 HRK to 3.9221.239 HRK respectively.
Conclusion: The City of Zagreb documented an increase in consumption in 3 groups of drugs, both in DDD and HRK. Only the consumption of drugs affecting the cardiovascular system was reduced. On the other hand, Požega-Slavonia County decreased consumption in all 4 groups of drugs in both parameters. In 2010, the consumption of all 4 ATC drug groups in Požega-Slavonia County expressed in DDD was higher than in the City of Zagreb, while in 2017 it was lower in all analyzed groups