University and Culture


U radu se kritički analizira Pareysonova koncepcija krize kulture i kulture slobode, kojom pokazuje da ova posljednja ima za cilj iskristalizirati ideju kulture koja bi mogla donijeti odgovor na svaku situaciju uzrokovanu krizom. Tijekom vrlo zahtjevnog vremena od 1941. do 1948. Luigi Pareyson objavljuje niz tekstova nadahnutih egzistencijalističkom i personalističkom filozofijom kulture kojima se intenzivno uključuje u kulturno-političku raspravu o reformi obrazovanja u Italiji. Pareyson u tim tekstovima problematiku sveučilišta ne odjeljuje od problema školskog sustava. Čista ideja školstva i sveučilišta je upravo ono što čuva od redukcionističke vizije osobe, a time i kulture. Niz ideja koje Pareyson donosi ulaze u projekt opće reforme edukacijskog sustava od kojih su neke i danas aktualne.The article offers critical analysis of Pareyson´s conception of the crisis of the culture and the culture of freedom, and tries to show that the culture of freedom has, as its goal, clarification of the idea of culture which might give an answer for any situation of crisis. During a very demanding period between 1941 and 1948, Luigi Pareyson published a number of papers inspired by existentialistic philosophy and personalistic philosophy of culture, which testify to his intensely active role in the cultural-political discussion concerning the reform of education in Italy. Pure idea of education and university safeguards from reductionist view of a person and culture. Number of ideas which Pareyson gives, enter into the project of a general reform of educational system and some of them are present to this day

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