
Broj djece sa prekomjernom tjelesnom masom, kao i pretile djece u zapadnim zemljama svaki dan je sve veći. Pored mnogo drugih faktora, osnovni uzroci ovakvog stanja su prevelik unos i dostupnost energetski bogatih obroka uz veoma malo fizičke aktivnosti. Cilj: Utvrditi uticaj načina prehrane i fizičke aktivnosti na stanje uhranjenosti u adolescenata, kao i parcijalni doprinos ova dva faktora. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno među učenicima drugog i četvrtog razreda gimnazija na području opštine Tuzla. Podaci za studiju su prikupljeni kroz studiju poprečnog presjeka putem anonimnog upitnika. Korišten je tzv. prigodni uzorak, tako što su slučajnim odabirom uzeta po tri odjeljenja drugih i tri odjeljenja četvrtih razreda, koji su na dan ispitivanja imali nastavu fizičkog odgoja. Na taj način uključeno je ukupno 396 ispitanika i to: 135 dječaka i 261 djevojčica. Prilikom istraživanja korišten je posebno konstruiran Upitnik o prehrambenim navikama i fizičkoj aktivnosti. Učenicima je mjerena tjelesna masa, visina, te računat indeks tjelesne mase (Body Mass Index-BMI). Statističke hipoteze su testirane na nivou signifikantnosti od α = 0,05, tj. razlika među uzorcima je smatrana značajnom ako je p<0,05. Rezultati: Pothranjeno je 11,11 % ispitanika, 75,75 % ima normalnu uhranjenost, dok njih 13,13 % ima prekomjernu tjelesnu težinu. U odnosu na spol, dječaci imaju veći indeks tjelesne mase nego djevojčice. Prema modifikovanoj skali indeksa zdrave prehrane (Healthy Eating Index - HEI), odličan kvalitet prehrane ima 3,79 % anketiranih učenika, 75,25 % ima kvalitet prehrane koji treba korigirati i 20,96 % anketiranih učenika ima siromašan način prehrane. U odnosu na spol utvrđeno je da dječaci imaju kvalitetniji način prehrane (p=0,006), dok u odnosu na uzrast mlađi ispitanici imaju kvalitetniji način prehrane (p=0,044). Umjerenu fizičku aktivnost ima 81,31 % anketiranih učenika, 8,83 % ima nisku fizičku aktivnost, dok samo 9,85 % ispitanika ima visoku fizičku aktivnost. U odnosu na spol i dob, utvrđeno je da nema razlike u ukupnoj fizičkoj aktivnosti između dječaka i djevojćica, odnosno starijih i mlađih ispitanika. Oko 48 % varijabiliteta stanja uhranjenosti izraženog kao indeks tjelesne mase, možemo objasniti kada kao prediktore koristimo način prehrane i fizičku aktivnost. Bolju prediktivnu moć, kada je u pitanju BMI, ima način prehrane (β = 0,58) nego fizička aktivnost (β = 0,21). Zaključak: Kada su u pitanju način prehrane i fizička aktivnost, kao faktori uhranjenosti adolescenata, način prehrane ima veći uticaj.The number of overweight and obese children in Western countries is increasing every day. The main causes of this condition are excessive intake and availability of energy-rich meals with poor physical activity. Aim: Determine the impact of diet and physical activity on the state of adolescents’ nourishment, as well as the partial contribution of these two factors. Examinees and methods: The study was conducted among students of the second and fourth year of high school in the municipality of Tuzla. Data for this study were collected through a cross-sectional study using anonymous questionnaires. The so-called convenient sample was used meaning that three sophomore and three senior classes were randomly taken and examined during their Physical Education classes. In this way, a total of 396 examinees were included: 135 boys and 261 girls. During the research, specially designed questionnaire on dietary habits and physical activity was used. Students were measured by body weight, height, and they had their BMI calculated. Statistical hypotheses were tested at a significance level of α = 0.05, i.e. the difference between samples was considered significant if p <0.05. Results: 11.11 % of the examined are underweight, 75.75 % have normal BMI, while 13.13 % is overweight. In relation to gender, boys have higher BMI than girls. According to the modified HEI scale for food quality, 3.79 % of students surveyed have excellent food quality, 75.25 % have the quality of diet that should be corrected and 20.96 % of the students have poor diet. In relation to gender the research showed that boys have diet of higher quality (p = 0.006), while in relation to age younger examinees have better diet (p = 0.044). 81.31 % of the students have moderate physical activity, 8.83% have low physical activity, while only 9.85 % of the surveyed have high physical activity. In relation to gender and age, the research showed no difference in terms of total physical activity between boys and girls, and older and younger subjects. About 48 % of the nutritional status variability expressed as BMI can be explained if we use diet and physical activity as predictors., When it comes to BMI, diet (β=0.58) has better predictive power than physical activity (β = 0.21). Conclusion: When it comes to diet and physical activity as nutritional factors with adolescents, diet has more influence

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