Importance, incidence and treatment of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy


Cilj ovog rada je podsjetiti na bakterijsku vaginozu (BV) kao jedan od mogućih uzroka prijevremenog prsnuća plodovih ovoja i prijevremenog poroda, te njeno liječenje u svrhu poboljšanja ukupnog perinatalnog ishoda, odnosno daljeg snižavanja perinatalnog mortaliteta koji je u Republici Hrvatskoj za 2008. god. iznosio 4,6‰ i ima stalni trend snižavanja od 2001. godine. BV je najžešći uzročnik pojačanog iscjetka bez drugih simptoma upale kao što su peckanje, žarenje i svrbež i ne uzrokuje dizurične tegobe. Dijagnosticira se tijekom pregleda u zrcalu prema Amselovim kriterijima, a lijek izbora u liječenju je metronidazol u drugom i trećem trimestru trudnoće. U radu je prikazana epidemiološka studija provedena u ginekološkoj ambulanti Doma zdravlja Zagreb- -Centar na 123 trudnice u kojih je na|ena ukupna učestalost BV od 21,14% (26 ispitanica) od čega simptomatskih BV kod 17 ispitanica (13,82%) i asimptomatskih kod 9 ispitanica (7,31%). Prema CDC smjernicama trudnice sa simptomatskom BV su u drugom i trećem trimestru trudnoće liječene metronidazolom, a asimptomatske nisu pripadale skupini visokorizičnih trudnica za prijevremeni porod i kod njih nije uključena terapija.The paper aims to examine bacterial vaginosis (BV) as one of the possible causes of premature rupture of membranes and preterm delivery in order to improve the overall perinatal outcome by further reducing the perinatal mortality rate. In the Republic of Croatia this rate equalled 4.6 ‰ in 2008 and has been on a downward trend ever since 2001. BV is the most frequent cause of increased discharge that is not accompanied by other inflammation symptoms, such as burning and itching, and it causes no urinary problems. The diagnosis is made through speculum examination according to Amsel\u27s criteria, and metronidazole is the drug of choice for treatment in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. This paper presents an epidemiological study conducted on 123 pregnant women at the gynaecology department of the Health Centre Zagreb. The study showed that the overall incidence of BV was 21.14% (26 subjects), of whom 17 subjects (13.82%) had symptomatic BV and 9 subjects (7.31%) had asymptomatic BV. According to the CDC guidelines, pregnant women with symptomatic BV were treated with metronidazole in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, while asymptomatic patients who were not at high risk for preterm delivery were therefore not treated

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