Silent β-thalassemia: Transition Mutation of the β-globin Gene (Promoter nt-101 C>T)


Introduction: Heterozygote β-thalassemia is called carrier or β-thalassemia trait (BTT).Carriers have no clinical symptoms but sometimes have a mild anemia. They can often beidentified with MCV<80 fl, MCH<27 pg and HbA2> 3.5 %. However, these tests are notenough to diagnose some unexpected beta-globin mutations in premarital or prenatal screening.Case Presentation: The mentioned case was one of the most common silent β-thalassemiamutations (promoter nt-101C>T).Conclusion: It was the first report from Fars (Iran) and the second one from Iran. The casehad normal hematologic indices and borderline hemoglobin A2 values that may be mistakenlyinterpreted as normal. The presented case showed that electrophoresis and PCR sequencingmethods should be applied for screening thalassemia

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