
Pembelajaran Bahasa Mandarin di SMK YPM 2 Taman saat ini masih berfokus pada keterampilan menulis dan membaca serta menggunakan metode ceramah. Guru hanya fokus menjelaskanisiapa yang ada pada buku bahan ajar dan siswa fokus mendengarkan penjelasan dari guru. Hal tersebut membuat siswa kurang aktif dalam pembelajaran khususnya dalam keterampilan berdialog. Oleh karena itu, metode kooperatif tipe TPS diharapkan mampu mengatasi kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa. Masalah dalam penelitian ini meliputi : 1) Mendeskripsikan proses penerapa nmetode TPS terhadap keterampilan berdialog bahasa Mandarin siswakelas X SMK YPM 2 Taman. 2) Mendeskripsikan hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMK YPM 2 Taman menggunakan metode kooperatif tipe TPS terhadap keterampilan berdialog bahasa Mandarin. 3) Mendeskripsikan respon siswa kelas X SMK YPM 2 Taman terhadap penerapan metode kooperatif tipe TPS dalam keterampilan berdialogbahasa Mandarin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan Non-equivalent Control Group Design. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalahkelas X Boga 1 dan X Aph 1SMK YPM 2 Taman. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi :Observasi, Tes, dan Angket respon. Analisis data meliputi proses penerapan pembelajaran menggunakan metode kooperatif tipe TPS, sajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan analisis data, maka diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut : 1) Hasil observasi aktivitas guru yang menggalam ipeningkatan cukup signifikan dalam proses pembelajara nmenggunakan metode kooperatif tipe TPS yaitu 82,23%, 86,67%, 84,45% dan 91,12%. Persentase tersebut masuk dalam criteria sangat baik dalam skala Likert (81% sampai 100%), jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan metode kooperatif tipe TPS terhadap keterampilan berdialog bahasa Mandarin di SMK YPM 2 Taman berjalan sangat baik. 2) Hasil analisis data hasil pre test dan post test, diketahui hasil rata-rata nilai pre test pada kelas control sebesar 53,18 , nilai post test 67,85. Sedangkan pada kelas eksperimen diperoleh nilai rata-rata pre test sebesar 56,94 dan nilai rata-rata post test 86,77. Hal ini menunjukkan hasil positif dari pengaruh penggunaan metode kooperatif tipe TPS terhadap keterampilan berdialog bahasa Mandarin pada kelas eksperimen yang dapat memperoleh nilai rata-rata post test diatas KKM yaitu 86,77 dan diketahui bahwa t0 = db= n1+n2-2 =86, harga0,05 = dan db 86, selanjutnya dikonsultasikan dengan melihat tabel taraf 5%. Dengan harga 0,05 = 2,02 menunjukkan t lebih besar dari (2,02<2,49). 3) Hasil analisis angket respon siswa, nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan skala Likert menunjukkan pengaruh yang kuat kisaran nilai 60%-80%. Kata kunci : Berdialog, Metode Pembelajaran, Think Pair Share (TPS) Mandarin Learning process in SMK YPM 2 Taman is still focus on writing and reading skills using lecturing method. The teachers only focus on explaining the contents of the textbooks and the students focus on listening to the teacher’s explanation. Those make the students less active in learning, especially in speaking skill. Therefore, Cooperative learning method Think Pair Share (TPS) type is expected to overcome the difficulties experienced by the students. The problems in this study are: 1) To describe the influence of the implementation of Cooperative learning method Think Pair Share (TPS) type for the students’ mandarin speaking skill of grade X SMK YPM 2 TAMAN. 2) To describe the learning result of the students of grade X SMK YPM 2 Taman to the implementation of Cooperative learning method Think Pair Share (TPS) type in mandarin speaking skill. 3) To describe the response of the students of grade X SMK YPM 2 Taman to the implementation of Cooperative learning method Think Pair Share (TPS) type in mandarin speaking skill. This research is a quasi experiment using Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The samples of this research are grade XBoga1 and X APH 1 of SMK YPM 2 Taman. The data collection techniques used include: observation, testing, and responses questionnaire. The data analysis includes the implementation of cooperative learning method Think Pair Share(TPS) type, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the data analysis, The results of the study are as follow: 1) The results of the teacher activity observation increased significantly in the learning process using cooperative learning method Think Pair Share (TPS) type, that are 82.23%, 86.67%, 84.45% and 91.12%. The percentage is considered as very good in Likert scale criteria (81% until 100%), so it can be concluded that the Cooperative learning method Think Pair Share (TPS) type ran very well for the students’ mandarin speaking skill of grade X SMK YPM 2 TAMAN. 2) The data analysis obtained from the results of pre-test and post-test showed the average of the pre-test marks in control class is 53.18, and the average of the post test marks is 67.85. Meanwhile in the experimental class, the average marks ​​obtained in pre-test is 56.94 and the average marks of post testis86.77. This showed the positive results of the influence of the implementation of Cooperative Learning Method Think Pair Share (TPS) type for the student’s speaking mandarin skill in the experimental class which obtained the average post test mark above the KKM that is 86,77 and it is known that t0 = db = n1 + n2-2 = 86, t_tabel0,05 value and db = 86, then it was consulted with the 5% level table. With the value of t_table 0.05 = 2.02 indicates greater than t_table t (2.02 <2.49). 3). The results of the analysis of the student responses questionnaire, the average mark obtained using Likert scale showed strong influences range from 60% to 80%. Keywords: Speaking, Learning Method, Think Pair Share (TPS

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