The application of multiple inoculants in the sustainable production of wheat


U istraživanjima su korišćene tri alternativne sorte pšenice Tr. aestivum ssp. compactumima, Triticum spelta, i Triticum durum u tri godine istraživanja sa primenom organskog đubriva i mikrobiološkog inokulata u cilju održavanja biogenosti zemljišta. U toku istraživanja određivani su najznačajniji mikrobiološki parametri promena u zemljištu (ukupan broj mikroba i brojnost azotobaktera), kao i visina prinosa gajenih biljaka. Na kraju rada zaključeno je da sorta Tr.aestivum ssp. compactumima ima najbolju asocijaciju sa rizosfernom populacijom, a da sorta Triticum spelta ostvaruje najve će prinose u različitim agroekološkim uslovima.The experiments were carried out three alternative varieties of wheat Tr. aestivum ssp. compactumima, Triticum spelt and Triticum durum three years of research with the application of organic fertilizers and microbial inoculum in order to maintain the biological value of the land. In the study determined the most important microbiological parameters changes in soil (total number of microbes and Azotobacter) and grain yield. At the end, it was concluded that wheat variety Tr.aestivum ssp. compactum has the best association with the rhizosphere population, and that the variety Triticum spelta has the highest grain yields under different agroecological condition

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