
To reduce the death rate and control the transmission of Covid-19 disease, promoting a healthy lifestyle program is needed. The community services program aimed to improve local community knowledge and attitudes in responding to Covid-19 at New Normal Era. Our participants were the village officer representative and cadres of Kanoman Hamlet, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman. We provided counseling and education program regarding a clean and healthy lifestyle. In addition, we conducted a training program for village officers on how to use medical examination tools, provide medical equipment assistance, and evaluate the program's success. The results show that the local community finally realized the importance of a clean and healthy lifestyle. Also, an education program on a clean and healthy lifestyle, cough etiquette, correct hand washing steps, and other health protocols are going to be continuously provided by village officers and cadres to the community through routine meeting forums. The training and provision of medical equipment also dramatically supports the implementation of health protocols in the hamlets of Kanoman, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman. Finally, it is necessary to provide further support and encourage the local community for the continuous prevention of covid-19.Untuk menekan angka kematian dan pengendalian penularan penyakit Covid-19, diperlukan program gaya hidup sehat. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat setempat dalam menyikapi Covid-19 di Era New Normal. Mitra PKM adalah perangkat desa dan kader Dusun Kanoman, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman.  PKM ini menyediakan program penyuluhan dan edukasi tentang pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Selain itu, PKM ini juga mengadakan program pelatihan bagi aparat desa tentang cara penggunaan alat pemeriksaan kesehatan, pemberian bantuan alat kesehatan, dan evaluasi keberhasilan program. Hasil dan Dampak dari kegiatan penyuluhan ini adalah perangkat dusun dan kader PKK akhirnya menyadari pentingnya perilaku ber-PHBS. Edukasi perilaku ber-PHBS, etika batuk, langkah cuci tangan yang benar dan protokol kesehatan lain secara paralel akan diberikan oleh perangkat dusun dan kader PKK kepada masyarakat melalui forum pertemuan di dusun. Pelatihan dan pemberian hibah alat kesehatan berupa termometer digital, tensimeter digital dan timbangan digital juga sangat mendukung impelementasi protokol kesehatan di dusun Kanoman, Banyuraden, Gamping, Slema

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