Psychosomatic Status Indices in Rheumatoid Arthritis under Treatment with Mianserin Hydroclorid


USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra Medicină Internă nr.1 FR şi SC, Catedra Psihiatrie şi Narcologie FPM120 patients (females) with confirmed diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis were examined. It was revealed that 100 (83,3%) from 120 female presented depressive syndrome. They were randomly divided in 2 treatment groups. In the first group (50 patients) basic therapy (Metotrexat and Diclofenac) was supplemented with Mianserin hydrochloride in dosage of 30mg/24 hours (in the evening) during 3 months. The second group was composed of 50 patients who received only basic treatment. The best results of treatment were obtained in the patients from the first group who received complex therapy including Mianserin hydrochloride. Au fost cercetate 120 de bolnave cu diagnostic confirmat de Artrită Reumatoidă. Au fost demonstrat că din cele 120 femei bolnavi - 100 (83,3%) au prezentat sindrom depresiv şi care au fost repartizate randomizat în 2 loturi curative. În I lot (50 paciente) terapia de suport (Metotrexat şi Diclofenac) s-a completat cu Mianserin hidroclorid în doza de 30 mg/24 ore (seara) pe parcursul 3 luni. În lotul II au intrat 50 de bolnave care au administrat numai terapia de bază (lotul control). Am apreciat că cele mai relevante efecte curative s-au apreciat la bolnavele din I lot, care au fost medicate prin formula complexă ce a inclus şi Mianserin hidroclorid

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