One-day hospitalization experience in children’s surgical department


Purpose: To analyze the effectiveness of stationary substitution technologies in pediatric surgery Materials and methods: 482 children with typical surgical diseases from 1 to 17 years old were operated in the period of 2014-2017. Different types of local and general anaesthesia were used for operations, including combination of intubation anaesthesia and mechanical ventilation. All patients were discharged home on the day of the operation. Results: 190 patients with phimosis were operated for the indicated period (of these, 86 under anesthesia, 104 under regional anesthesia). Also, 44 patients with hydrocele and spermatoceleswere operated under general anaesthesia, 21 - with cryptorchidism (including 5 - laparoscopic surgery), 53 - with umbilical hernia, 42 - with inguinal hernia (all by endoscopic method), 19 - with varicocele (17 laparoscopic surgery), 28 – syndrome of an acute scrotum, 30 with short frenulum of foreskin, 4 with cysts in the neck, 32 with benign tumors of different localization, 4 with vesicoureteral reflux, 15 with extensive tissue trauma. The average stay at the hospital, including the preoperative period was 4 hours. Also, 2 children with acute bronchospasm after extubationwere cured by conservative methods. 2 patients had bleeding from the wound in the early postoperative period, one of them required repeated anaesthesia and revision. Purulent-septic complications were notidentified. The pain syndrome was moderately expressed and successfully stopped at home by the use of non-narcotic analgesics. Conclusion: the most common operations in childhood can be performed within «one-day» hospitalization without increasing the incidence of postoperative complications

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