
Objective: Pharmacognostic study of Callistemon citrinus L. barkMethods: The bark of Callistemon citrinus L. was shade dried and powdered mechanically. The powdered material was used for further Pharmacognostic study. The study was conducted as per the guidelines of the World Health Organization which includes macroscopy, microscopy, physicochemical, Phytochemical and fluorescence studies.Results: The bark is greenish gray and exfoliating or striated with splintery and granular fracture. Microscopy showed the presence of rhytidoma with lignified sclerenchyma tissue, abundant lignified phloem fibers and uni to biseriate medullary rays. The total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash values was found to be 7.5%, 17%, 2% w/w respectively. Moisture content was not more than 1%, methanol extractive value was 12% w/w and foreign organic matter was 1.5% w/w. The preliminary phytochemical studies showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, triterpenoids and carbohydrates.Conclusions: The results of the study could be useful in setting quality parameters for the identification of crude drug and preparation of a monograph.Â

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