Utilizing Methods of Fluid Dynamics to Model Acoustic Movement


Acoustic theory is a branch of theoretical physics that attempts to explain the movement of sound through models of fluid dynamics and derivations from the Navier-Stokes equation of fluid movement. Foundational models of acoustic theory aimed to explain how sound moves on a microscopic level but have been unable to find reasonable evidence of how models of particle movement relate to what can be heard on a macroscopic scale. This thesis explores current models and research spawned from original models while attempting to unify and apply micro and macro aspects of acoustics, while finding applications of the unifying theory. There is an emphasis on the proposition and predictions of sound movement within a constantly changing environment. Findings illustrate potential links between the models of fluid dynamics and characteristics of acoustics, while current gaps from both fluid dynamics and links between topics prevent a fully cohesive theory from being established. Despite this, applications of how this theory can be used in live sound were found and lay a foundation for new types of technology and methods to be developed once the theory becomes fully established through continued research

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