Driving with Low Vision: Development of Evidence Based Practice Manual for Bioptic Drivers


This doctoral capstone was centered around the creation of a pre-driver training manual for novice drivers with Bioptic Telescope Systems (BTS) in preparation for behind-the-wheel training. The BTS pre-driver training manual was created with OTs at Vanderbilt Eye Institute as well as various OTS/CDRS from additional universities around the country. The manual consists of several parts including: bioptic care/hygiene, steps to become a bioptic driver in TN, how to use the bioptic, pre-driver training activities, time log form and helpful resources page. We also distributed a survey to current novice drivers (without the training manual) to get an impression of their familiarity with the current bioptic/BTS license process. The future of this project will be to distribute a survey to the patients who receive the training manual to compare their understanding of the BTS license process/preparation for behind-the-wheel training. This will also point to date on the effectiveness of the training manual itself

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