"Pontonium" iz Lip na Ljubljanskem barju


The article presents a river barge that was discovered in 1890 at Lipe on the Ljubljana moor. Radiocarbon analysis of the preserved wooden parts indicates that the barge was in use during the 2nd century BC. It pertains to vessels of the sewn type and is distributed throughout the Mediterranean and especially in the northern Adriatic region. Certain characteristics of it's construction connect it with the so-called 'Roman - Celtic' river barges that are distributed throughout the central and western European region. The site circumstances upon discovery are discussed, in addition to an attempt to determine the precise location of the barge. A description of the individual structural elements and an examination of the barge in view of Roman shipbuilding technologies follows. An historical-archaeological context for the barge and the author's view of the development of events in the south-eastern Alpine region at the beginning of the expansion of Roman influence is described in the continuation. The author speaks in favour of the thesis that the barge represents a Roman military cargo vessel. An interpretation of the stratigraphic position of the find and an attempt to reveal the then natural habitat are provided at the end of the article.V prispevku je predstavljena rečna ladja, odkrita leta 1890 pri Lipah na Ljubljanskem barju. Radiokarbonska analiza ohranjenih lesenih delov nakazuje, da je bila ladja v uporabi v 2. st. pr. n. š. Sodi med plovila šivanega tipa, razprostranjena na sredozemskem in predvsem severnojadranskem območju, nekatere konstrukcijske značilnosti pa jo povezujejo tudi s t. i. rimsko-keltskimi rečnimi ladjami, razširjenimi na območju Srednje in Zahodne Evrope. Poleg poskusa določitve natančne lokacije so obravnavane tudi okoliščine ob odkritju. Sledi opis posameznih strukturnih elementov in umestitev ladje v raziskavah antičnih ladjedelniških tehnologij. V nadaljevanju je opisan historično-arheološki kontekst, v katerem se pojavlja ladja in avtorjev pogled na razvoj dogodkov v JV Alpah v začetku rimskih vplivov. Avtor zagovarja tezo, da ladja predstavlja rimsko vojaško tovorno ladjo. V zadnjem delu prispevka sta podana interpretacija stratigrafske lege najdbe in poskus predstavitve tedanjega naravnega okolja

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