Design and Implementation of an M/M/1 Queuing Model Algorithm and its Applicability in Remote Medical Monitoring


Remote Medical Monitoring is a component of telemedicine capable of monitoring the vital signs of patients in a remote location and sending the results directly to a monitoring station. Vital signs are collected by sensors attached to the human body and sent automatically to the server in the hospital. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of an M/M/1 queuing model capable of queuing the readings of the vital signs in the server according to how they arrive on a First In First Out (FIFO) basis and sending them in turn to the medical personnel when the need arises. The queuing model follows a Poisson distribution with parameter (â)t and a probability function called the negative exponential distribution. The obtained output is based on a simulation using the Queuing Model Simulator (QMS), simulation software which computes the mean, variance and the total cost of running the queue. Keywords: M/M/1 queuing model, FIFO, QMS, simulator, mean, variance, total cos

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