Retinal detachment in black South Africans


Rhegmatogenous retinal detachments seen in black patients attending King Edward VIII Hospital Ophthalmology Clinic over a 5-year period from January 1987 to December 1991 were reviewed. Penetrating trauma and diabetic retinopathy were excluded. There were 114 detachments in 112 patients, which gave incidence of 0,46/100 000 of the population served per annum. This confirms the low incidence of this disorder found in black patients in other series. Patients were comparatively young (37,5% less than 30 years of age), men outnumbered women 2:1, and the incidence of blunt trauma was high (29,8%). Over one-third (36,6%) presented with a blind or poorly sighted opposite eye. Late presentation was common. Large posterior breaks occurred in 15,7% of detachments with severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy in 33,3%. These last characteristics accounted for the use of vitrectomy with tamponade as a primary surgical procedure in 32,5% of cases and contributed to the relatively low success rate ofreattachment (72,8%). Some of the findings may be influenced by social disadvantage, but the reason for the low incidence of retinal detachment in black patients is not known. A stronger adherence of the retina to the retinal pigment epithelium in black patients is postulated

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