Salicylate hepatitis


A case report of salicylate hepatitis is discussed and a predictable direct drug dosage mechanism is suggested as the pathogenesis. However, a striking eosinophilia and eosinophil infiltration of the portal tract also raises the possibility of a hypersensitivity cholestatic mechanism. Raised transaminase levels in patients on salicylate therapy appear to be a fairly frequent phenomenon which has not been widely stressed. It would seem that a sustained blood salicylate level of 25 mgjl00 ml is required to cause an elevated transaminase level, and a level in excess of 30 mgjl00 ml is necessary to cause actual hepatitis. Rapid reversal of the elevated transaminases occurs on cessation of salicylate therapy.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1998 (1974)

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