Small - Scale Livestock Farming in Developing Areas of Swaziland and South Africa


This study investigates smallholder livestock farming system in developing areas of Africa focusing on Swaziland and South Africa. The study’s objectives were first to characterize smallholder livestock farming by identifying problems, challenges and constraints they face, and second to describe the role and contributions of livestock to agricultural sector for economic development. Secondary data used were obtained from various sources, namely: Swaziland and South African government reports, including FAO, United Nations, and International Food Policy Research Institute reports. The data were organized and were qualitatively analysed. The findings suggested that the main livestock species kept by smallholders include cattle, sheep, goat, and chicken, used as investment in agricultural production, income needed and for meat consumption. The main constraints to livestock farming included access to capital, disease and parasite, shortage of feed, poor breading practice, lack of production skills, poor infrastructure, livestock theft, inadequate veterinary services, poor marketing services, and poor extension services.Keywords: Small scale farmer, livestock farming, agricultural development, socio-economic development, developing areas, Swaziland, South Africa

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