Stomatal parameters in nine species of Corchorus (Tiliaceae)


Stomatal parameters namely stomatal size variation including aperture size (area), frequency of distribution, and conductance were studied in nine species (cultivated- C. capsularis L.- JRC 321, C. olitorius L. – JRO 524; wild - C. aestuans L. – WCIJ 088, C. fascicularis Lam. – WCIJ 150, C. pseudocapsularis L.- CIM 036, C. pseudoolitorius I. and Z. – OIN 507, C. tridens L.- WCIJ 149, C. trilocularis L.- KBA 222 and C. urticaefolius W. and A.- WCIJ 070- the species were grown under uniform agro-climatic condition) of Jute in an attempt to screen drought tolerant species and genotypes demonstrating enhanced photosynthetic efficiency. Stomata of jute species are paracytic, amphistomatic and anisostomatic. Results indicated that C. aestuans, C. urticaefolius, C. trilocularis and C. pseudoolitorius were drought tolerant; while C. pseudoolitorius and C. fascicularis were apparently with enhanced photosynthetic efficiency. The desirable traits in wild germplasm may be used for efficient breeding and crop improvement.Keywords: Jute species, drought tolerance, photosynthetic efficiency, efficient breedin

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