Accelerated in vitro propagation of elite oil palm genotypes (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) by substituting cytokinin with putrescine


Clonal multiplication of oil palm enables the formation of commercial plantations with higher yield, which is possible through somatic embryogenesis. However, due to different modifications made in the existing protocols to avoid the appearance of the “mantled flower”, the success of this technique has been limited. Thus, this study aimed to apply a cloning protocol, using somatic embryogenesis, to 32 elite oil palm genotypes from a commercial plantation on which cytokinin was substituted with putrescine. All tested genotypes responded positively to callus induction. Moreover, the percentages of responses were differentiated: 65.62% of these genotypes produced embryogenic lines, and 40.62% out of that percentage presented lines with moderate or high multiplication capacity, which is the main factor that enabled the obtaining of clones to form a commercial clonal plantation. The somatic embryogenesis was efficient, making this protocol applicable at a commercial scale, since it allows the obtaining of clones up to 360 days. However, future evaluations on these clones are needed to investigate the appearance of the “mantled flower”.Keywords: Cloning, polyamines, tissue culture, commercial plantatio

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