Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine: Determinants of Acceptability by Mothers for Adolescents in Nigeria


Vaccination of adolescent females against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the causative agent for cervical cancer has recently become available. As minors, parental acceptance of the vaccines for adolescent daughters requires exploration. This was a cross-sectional survey of 201 mothers attending the gynaecology clinic in a University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria on acceptability of the HPV vaccines and its determinants. Although 70% accepted vaccination of their daughters, 30% were unwilling and the commonest reason for unwillingness was that it may encourage sexual promiscuity (62.3%). Mothers with poor knowledge of STI were significantly more unwilling to accept HPV vaccines compared to those with average or good knowledge (p=0.002). Furthermore, perception of susceptibility to HPV infection by daughters was significantly associated with acceptance of the vaccines (p=0.0001). Increased advocacy and public enlightenment on cervical cancer control and the role of HPV vaccines in its prevention is still necessary especially in developing countries. (Afr J Reprod Health 2014; 18[3]: 154-158)Keywords: Cervical cancer, Human papilloma virus, vaccine, Nigeri

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