Root Rot of Legumes Caused by Cylindrocladium scoparium


Massey ( 3) in 1927 was the first to report that Cylindrocladium scoparium Morgan could parasitize plants. In 1928 Sherbakoff ( 4) isolated the fungus from a chlorotic red clover plant and from diseased apple roots. Cox (2) proved that C. scoparium can cause damping-off, root rot, stem infection, and needle blight on seedlings of several conifers. He also found that C. scoparium was highly pathogenic on several species of Leguminosae. Bugbee ( 1 ) reported alfalfa to be ideal for detecting C. scoparium in soil in the greenhouse because the seedlings damped-off and the fungus sporulated on the seedlings. There is, however, essentially no information on the pathogenicity of this fungus on forage legumes. This study was undertaken to determine what effect C. Scoparium in soil would have on germination and stand of alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and sweetclover (Melilotus spp.

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