Radiopurity treatment of the intelligent PMTs for OSIRIS


The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), currently under construction in Southern China, is expected to yield new insights regarding the mass hierarchy of neutrinos. In order to reach the design sensitivity for detecting reactor and solar neutrinos, a radiopure liquid scintillator is required.The Online Scintillator Internal Radioactivity Investigation System (OSIRIS) allows an on-line quality evaluation of the scintillator during filling of the JUNO detector. It features a 20 ton liquid scintillator target monitored by 76 intelligent photomultiplier tubes (iPMTs).Because contamination with radioactive isotopes might prevent OSIRIS to reach its target sensitivity, the detector has to be cleaned prior to installation. For removing potential production residues from the iPMTs, a cleaning procedure has been developed. In this talk, the construction of the facility using ultra pure water at RWTH Aachen University will be presented

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