Different Forms of Work and Different Conditions of Work in a NEO-Liberal Market Economy


Casualization refers to the systematic replacement of full-time and part-time staff with staff employed on an ad hoc basis. Regular work is not provided but the casual worker is expected to be available when required. Theoretically, casualization leads to the reduction of an organization’s operational costs by increasing the ease with which workers can be included and excluded from the workforce. Therefore, a casual worker is a worker on a temporary employment contract with generally limited entitlements to benefits and little or no security of employment. The main attribute is the absence of a continuing relationship of any stability with an employer, which could lead to their not being considered “employees” at all. Casual workers differ from other non-permanent workers in that they often possess fewer rights and less protection). A plethora of terms have been deployed to define and account for the growth of this type of irregular employment contract. For example, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has used terms like disguised employment or triangular employment relationship to define the emergence of sub-contractors, independent contractors, home-based workers and all manner of “in-formalised” work. Based on this argument, this study tends to examine the different forms of work as well as the different conditions of work in a neo-liberal market. The paper was guided by the neo-liberal theory

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