Eko-socijalni i gospodarski profil herbicida glifozata


By overview of scientific, political, and economic arguments, the structure and profile of glyphosate, the most important agrochemical compound in the world, has been portrayed. Toxicological, ecological and market objections of the opponents of glyphosate are in opposition with the financial and political support to that herbicide which, according to its advocates, enables the protection of crops, higher yields, and postpones the problem of world hunger. The conflict surrounding glyphosate surpasses the narrow scientific and social frames and is a good example of the need to think through and of decision making which involves connection and the totality of reality.Pregledom znanstvenih, političkih i gospodarskih argumenata prikazana je struktura i profil glifozata, najvažnije agrokemikalije na svijetu. Toksikološki, ekološki i tržišni prigovori protivnika glifozata u oprjeci su s financijskom i političkom podrškom tom herbicidu, koji, prema zagovarateljima, omogućuje zaštitu usjeva, veće prinose i odgađa problem gladi u svijetu. Sukob oko glifozata nadilazi uske znanstvene i društvene okvire, te je dobar primjer potrebe promišljanja i odluka koje uključuju povezanost i cjelokupnost stvarnosti

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