Equipment for irrigation for the vegetables cultivation


U intenzivnom uzgoju povrća nužno je koristiti suvremenu opremu za navodnjavanje jer se samo na taj način navodnjavanje može obaviti pravovremeno i kvalitetno. Navodnjavanje je jedna od najvažnijih agrotehničkih mjera jer ima pozitivan učinak na fizikalne, kemijske i biološke procese u tlu. Voda otapa hranjive tvari u tlu koje biljke mogu usvojiti korijenovim sustavom, sudjeluje u procesu fotosinteze prenoseći hranjive tvari iz korijena do lista, poboljšava mikroklimu i mikrofloru tla, smanjuje temperaturu biljaka čime regulira njihov toplinski režim, povećava urod i kvalitetu plodova. U radu je prikazana oprema i različiti sustavi za navodnjavanje povrća.In the intensive vegetables cultivation it is necessary to use modern equipment for irrigation because it is the only way that irrigation can be done timely and appropriate. Irrigation is one of the most important agricultural measures because it has a positive effect on the physical, chemical and biological processes in the soil. Water dissolves nutrients in the soil which plants can assimilate with root system, participates in the process of photosynthesis by transferring nutrients from the root to the leaf, improves the microclimate and soil microflora, reduces the temperature of the plants what regulate their thermal regime, increased yield and fruit quality. The paper presents the equipment and different systems for vegetables irrigation

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