Voltammetric Studies of the Electrochemical and Interfacial Behaviour of DNA at Charged Interfaces


A survey of the essentials of the experimental evidence assembled in systematic extended voltammetric studies of denatured and native DNA is rpresented. Applying an advanced verision of single triangle sveep voltammetry at the HMDE and by supporting measurements with various other polarographic methods, :such as phase sensitive a.c.-voltammetry, the adsrnrption parameters, the sequence of i!ll!terfacial events as a function of adsorption time and adso1rption potentia·l arid the kinetics of the electrode process have been elucidated. While for pH~ 7 in adsorbed DNA the adenine and cytosime moieties are immediately reducible in a totally irreversible electrode reaction Y•ielding a strongly adsorbed compact film of reduction products, they have to become accessible to electron and proton transfer in adsorbed native DNA in a sequence of prior deconformation steps involving opening and unwinding of the double helix under the co.nstraint exerted by the adsorption interactions and by the interfacial electric field. In a fundamental biophysicochemical sense the results enable general conclusions on the behaviour of DNA when it interacts with charged interfaces d.m the living cell

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