
After recent global financial and economic crisis interest in potential effects of especially large economic crisis, called economic disasters has been increased. This study analyzes determinants of size and recovery phase of economic disasters from 1960 up to 2014 among 214 countries. The results reveal differences between scale and duration of economic disasters. Some possible factors shaping these patterns are explored indicating the importance of institutions and investments for scale of disasters, and human capital and financial sectors for duration phase.Nakon nedavne globalne financijske i ekonomske krize, interes za istraživanjem učinaka velikih ekonomskih kriza, nazvanih ekonomskim katastrofama, je porastao. Ovaj rad analizira odrednice veličine i faze oporavka uslijed ekonomskih katastrofa od 1960. do 2014. za 214 država svijeta. Rezultati otkrivaju značajne razlike između intenziteta i trajanja gospodarskih katastrofa, a koji ukazuju na važnost institucija i investicija za intenzitet, te ljudskog kapitala i financijskih sektora za fazu trajanja ekonomskih katastrofa

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