Small rodents as reservoirs of leptospirosis


Leptospiroza je (re)emergentna zarazna bolest mnogih domaćih i divljih životinja i čovjeka uzrokovana patogenim bakterijama iz roda Leptospira. Epizootiologija ove bolesti usko je vezana uz različite životinjske vrste koje nose i izlučuju pojedine serovare leptospira u okoliš. Ipak, glavni su rezervoari leptospiroze glodavci koji nakon infekcije ne obolijevaju i ostaju doživotni kliconoše. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost infekcije u mišolikih glodavaca u endemijskim područjima leptospiroze u Republici Hrvatskoj. Metodom lančane reakcije polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu pretraženi su bubrezi 186 mišolikih glodavaca, a specifičan odsječak DNK patogenih leptospira dokazan je u 20 pretraženih uzoraka, dajući nam prosječan stupanj kliconoštva od 10,75 %. Bakterije iz roda Leptospira utvrđene su u pet od sedam pretraživanih vrsta glodavaca i lokaliteta izlova, što potvrđuje ulogu mišolikih glodavaca u održavanju endemijskih žarišta leptospiroze. Najviši stupanj kliconoštva (30 %) utvrđen je na širem području Velike Gorice. Takav se rezultat može pokušati objasniti činjenicom da to područje pripada u sliv rijeke Save i da ima velik poplavni potencijal, a vlažna područja omogućuju dulji opstanak leptospira u okolišu. Potrebna su daljna longitudinalna istraživanja kako bi se ustvrdili biotički i abiotički čimbenici koji utječu na brojnost populacije mišolikih glodavaca te postotak inficiranosti leptospirama, odnosno kliconoštvo.Leptospirosis is a (re) emerging zoonosis of many domestic and wild animals and humans, caused by pathogenic bacteria from the genus Leptospira. It is a natural foci disease with epizootiology and epidemiology closely linked to reservoir species that excrete certain serovars of Leptospira into the environment. Rats and small rodents are the main reservoirs and lifelong carriers of pathogenic Leptospira. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of infection of small rodents in areas where leptospirosis appears endemic. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was used to test kidney specimens of 186 animals, that were trapped in seven endemic regions of Croatia. Using this method, we obtained 20 positive samples, giving a Leptospira shedding rate of 10.75%. During this investigation Leptospira spp. were detected in five out of seven small rodent species, with the highest degree of shedding (30%) detected in the Velika Gorica municipality. These findings may be explained by the fact that this area belongs to the River Sava basin. High flooding potential and humid areas allow the longer survival of Leptospira in the environment. Further longitudinal studies are needed in order to identify all the abiotic and biotic factors that can affect the density of rodent population and shedding rates

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