Combination of Theory and Practice


U Osijeku se, od 8. do 10. svibnja održao 38. Međunarodni Festival Hrvatske Tamburaške Glazbe u organizaciji Hrvatsko Tamburaškog Saveza u Osijeku. Festival je svečano Hrvatsko Pjevačko Društvo Lipa, pod ravnanjem dirigentice Valerije Fischbach, otpjevajući himnu Republike Hrvatske. Na festivalu je nastupalo 14 tamburaških orkestara iz Hrvatske i Srbije. Orkestri su se dijelili u tri kategorije, dječji, juniorski i seniorski, s obzirom da je festival bio natjecateljskog karaktera. Svaki orkestar izvodio je tri skladbe, zadanu skladbu u određenoj kategoriji, vokalno instrumentalnu skladbu zabavnog karaktera (starogradske pjesme, folklorni napjevi...) te jednu instrumentalnu skladbu po slobodnom izboru.The 38th International Festival of Croatian Tambura Music took place in Osijek from the 8th of May until the 10th of May. The Festival was organised by the Croatian Tambura Association in Osijek and was opened by the Croatian national anthem performed by the Croatian Singing Society “Lipa” led by conductor Valerija Fischbach. 14 tambura orchestras from Croatia and Serbia performed at the Festival. They competed in three categories: children, juniors and seniors. Each orchestra performed three compositions: a given composition within the specific category, a vocal-instrumental composition of amusing character (folk songs, songs singing about the life in old towns...) and a chosen instrumental composition

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