Changes in the Rural Family and in Wedding Customs


Na temelju opsežnijeg ispitivanja tradicijske socijalne kulture autorica analizira pojedine elemente na ipodručju pakračke regije. Uvodno je dan pregled kulturnih i ekonomskih zbivanja u prošlosti pakračkih sela, adaptacijskih procesa imigranata i starosjedilaca, mijenjanja proizvodnih odnosa kao baze promjena u prošlosti i danas. Profili transformacije, strukture i diobe seoske porodice, prema dostupnim dokumentima od 18. stoljeća, analizirani su ovisno o društveno-ekonoms\u27kim prilikama i zakonskim regulacijama, od klasične zadruge, porodične zajednice do nuklearnih oblika. Suvremeni oblici seoske porodice utvrđeni su detaljnim ispitivanjem i dokumentima lokalnih arhiva, definirani od posljednjeg raspada zadruga 1958. do oblika koji se pod utjecajem dnevnih migranata po načinu života i strukturi približavaju urbanom profilu. Promjene običajnog ponašanja pri sklapanju braka analizirane su po društveno-porodičnim vezama, promjeni običajnih elemenata, društvenom statusu mladih, skali svadbenih običaja (od prošnje do svadbe bez svatova) te socijalnih i magijskih običajnih elemenata. Utvrđeno je održavanje tradicijskih elemenata u socijalnoj kulturi čiji razvoj u pakračkom kraju kasni za okolnim regijama.On the basis of extensive research into the \u27traditional social culture, the author analyzes certain elements in the Pakrac region. In the introduction she gives a isurvey of the cultural and economic past of the villages around Pakrac, of adaption processes between immigrants and natives, of changes in production relations as a foundation both for changes in the past, and for those that are taking place today. Profiles of the transformation, structure and division of the rural family, according to available documents from the 18th century onwards, are analyzed depending on social and economic conditions and legal regulations, starting with the classical zadrouga, through the family community to nuclear forms of family life. Modem forms of the rural family are established through a detailed study and from documents in local archives. They are defined Since the final disintegration of the zadrougas in 1958, to present-day forms that are under the influence of daily migrants, and are similar in way of life and structure to urban families. Changes in wedding customs are analyzed from the following aspects: social and family relations, changes in customs in general, the social status of young people, the scale of wedding customs (from going to ask for the girl in marriage, to a wedding without any ceremony at all), social and magical customs. The author concludes that traditional elements have been retained in the social culture, whose development in the Pakrac region lags behind that of surrounding regions

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