
U sklopu Me|unarodnog programa za procjenu i praćenje utjecaja zračnog onečišćenja na šume ( ICP Forests ) u Hrvatskoj se na sedam ploha intenzivnog motrenja (Razina II) s karakterističnih šumskih zajednica provode istraživanja i kemijske analize biljnog materijala. Kako bi se mogla pratiti pouzdanost primijenjenih metoda u laboratorijskim analizama, osiguranja kvalitete rada i nova saznanja na području analitičkih metoda primjenjivih za analizu biljnog materijala Forest Foliar Co-ordinating Centre u Beču organizira svake godine Interlaboratorijska ispitivanja na uzorcima pripremljenim u laboratorijima zemalja koje su uključene u ICP Forests program. Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko 2004. godine pripremio je lišće obične bukve kao referentni uzorak za sve europske laboratorije. Uzorci su analizirani na obavezne elemente: sumpor, dušik, fosfor, kalij, kalcij i magnezij, te neobavezne elemente: cink, mangan, željezo i ugljik. Dobiveni rezultati govore o dobroj kvaliteti laboratorija Šumarskog instituta Jastrebarsko. Takva ispitivanja u skladu su sa zahtjevima internacionalnih standarada, a omogućuju i provjeru nove metode uvedene u laboratorijska ispitivanja. U kemijskom laboratoriju šumarskog instituta Jastrebarsko ispitivana je nova metoda određivanja dušika na elementarnom analizatoru CNS 2000 i rezultati su provjereni u interlaboratorijskim istraživanjima koja su potvrdila opravdanost metode.Within the framework of International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests), research and chemical analyses of plant material has been carried out in Croatia on seven intensive monitoring plots (Level II) with typical forest communities. In order to monitor the reliability of methods of laboratory analyses, as well as to ensure operational quality of analytical methods that can be applied in plant material analysis, Forest Foliar Co–ordinating Centre in Vienna organizes each year Inter-laboratory testing on samples prepared in laboratories of countries taking part in ICP Forests. In 2004, Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko prepared leaves of common beech as reference sample for all European laboratories. Samples were tested for the following required elements: sulphur, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium, and the following optional elements: zinc, manganese, iron and carbon. Obtained results are evidence of high quality of performance of the laboratory of Forest Research Institute in Jastrebarsko. This type of laboratory testing is in line with the requirements of international standards and facilitate testing of new methods introduced into laboratory procedure. New method of determining nitrogen on elementary analyser CNS 2000 was tested in chemical laboratory of the Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko and the results have been checked by inter-laboratory testing, which confirmed the validity of the method

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