Influence of Dentine Adhesive with Nanofiller on Postrestorative Sensitivity


Sve veći zahtjevi za dugotrajnošću ispuna i rubnog integriteta utječu na razvoj novih materijala i tehnika rada u restorativnom postupku na caklini i dentinu. Ti zahtjevi potaknuli su razvitak nekoliko generacija kompozitnih materijala i caklinsko-dentinskih adheziva s tendencijom stalnog poboljšanja. Adhezijska sveza restorativnog materijala za caklinu postiže se uspješno s pomoću caklinskih adheziva, no tehnika sveze za dentin, zbog specifične građe i vlažnosti dentinske površine, nije uvijek zadovoljavajuća i dugotrajna. Najnovije generacije dentinskih adheziva pokazuju bolje vrijednosti sveze i hermetskoga zatvaranja dentinske površine uz pojednostavljeniji postupak primjene od prijašnjih. Svrha ovoga rada bila je na ukupno 453 mala, srednje duboka i duboka kaviteta klinički utvrditi postojanje poslijerestorativne preosjetljivosti nakon aplikacije “Excite”(Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) caklinsko-dentinskog adheziva ispod kompozitnog ispuna mjesec dana i tri mjeseca nakon što je postavljen ispun. Nakon mjesec dana 21 zub je pokazivao osjetljivost 1., 2. i 3. stupnja, a tri mjeseca poslije samo četiri zuba su pokazala osjetljivost 1. i 2. stupnja, što potvrđuje da “Excite”caklinsko-dentinski adheziv može uspješno smanjiti pojavu poslijerestorativne osjetljivosti zuba.Increasing requirements for the longevity of filling and marginal integration has influenced the development of new materials in restorative procedure on enamel and dentine. These requirements have contributed to the development of several generations of composite materials and dentine adhesives. Adhesion of the restorative material on the enamel is succesfully enhanced with the use of enamel adhesives, while bonding to dentine, because of its specific constitution and wetness of its surface, is not always acceptable and longlasting. The latest generation of dentine adhesives shows better bonding values, better sealing of the dentine surface and is simpler to handle than earlier generations of dentine adhesives. The aim of this study was to determine in 453 small medium and deep cavities the clinical existence of postrestorative sensitivity after the application of “Excite” one-bottle enamel-dentine adhesive under a composite resin filling one and three months after the application of the composite filling. After one month 21 teeth showed sensitivity of 1st, 2nd and 3th degree, and after three months only four teeth showed sensitivity of 1st and 2nd degree. This confirmed the fact that “Excite” enamel-dentine adhesive can successfully decrease the presence of postrestorative sensitivity

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