Impact of legislative changes on traffic accidents frequency in Czech Republic, 1990-2007


The theme of my thesis on the impact of legislative changes traffic accident rate in the CR in the period 1990-2007, I chose because of a particular socio-propletenosti legislative field rules and laws with the consequences of their existence in the form injured, permanently disabled or dead persons in the Czech roads. Their numbers reach values that are often mnohasetkrát greater than if many a seemingly dangerous grateful to the media problem. Every year comes Czech Republic of town with about a thousand inhabitants, and in most cases of working age who die on Czech roads. Tens of thousands of others must be longer or shorter time to heal consequences of these accidents. Many of them never fully recover. Certainly interesting to know whether changing laws and rules can be affect the amount of such tragedies, and of course best to lower values. From the simple premise that the mildest the consequences of the accident which happens, it is clear that direct the effort to reduce the number of accidents to prevent their formationplays. Looking back to the passed legislative changes relating to transport and for prevention programs, along with the history ofstatistics traffic accidents will give us a picture of what impact the changes should, and will give us guidance as to what further changes to implement for..

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