Education in prison: From human rights to implementation


Porast broja povratnika, prenatrpanost zatvora i loši uslovi u njima ne ulivaju nadu da se društvo na najbolji način suočava sa problemima kriminaliteta. Od osamdesetih godina prošlog veka, u većini zapadnih zemalja i kod nas, na udaru kritike našao se koncept resocijalizacije jer se smatra da nije doveo do smanjenja ukupnog kriminaliteta i recidivizma. Problem sa kojim se društva suočavaju je kako u zatvorskoj sredini pripremiti osuđenika da se uspešno integriše u društvenu zajednicu po izlasku iz zatvora. Veoma važnu ulogu u realizaciji ovog cilja može imati obrazovanje. U članku ćemo se baviti različitim aspektima obrazovanja u zatvoru: kako ga država propisuje i kako vidi njegovu svrhu, kakvo je aktuelno stanje u realizaciji prava na obrazovanje u nekim zemljama sveta i kod nas, koje su prepreke u realizaciji obrazovanja u zatvorima. Jedan od glavnih preduslova za implementaciju i uspeh obrazovnih programa u zatvoru jeste i motivacija samih osuđenika da se uključe u njih. Prikazaćemo deo empirijskog istraživanja sprovedenog na prigodnom uzorku iz dva KPZ (Požarevac i Sremska Mitrovica) o motivaciji osuđenika za obrazovanjem i obrazovnim potrebama.The increase in the number of returnees, overcrowding and poor conditions in prisons do not bring hope that the society faces problems of crime in the best way. Since the eighties, in most Western countries and in our country too, the critics attacked the concept of re-socialization as it did not lead to a reduction in overall crime and recidivism. The problem that companies face is how the prison environment preparing inmates to successfully integrate into a community upon release from prison. The problem that societies face is how to prepare inmates in prison environment to successfully integrate into a community upon release from prison. Education could play an important role in the realization of this goal. In this article we will deal with various aspects of education in prison: how the state defines its purpose, what is the current state of implementation of the right to education in some countries of the world and in our country, what are the obstacles in the implementation of education in prisons. One of the main preconditions for the implementation and the success of educational programs in prison is the very motivation of a person to engage in them. We will present the empirical part of the research conducted on a sample of the two Correctional Facilities (Požarevac and Sremska Mitrovica) about the motivation of prisoners for education and their educational needs

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