
In the semantic field of fashion we can find several terms borrowed from English and French, since even though French has an older tradition in fashion, in recent years English has gained great prominence too. In this work I study English and French loanwords found in a corpus comprised of fashion articles in a Spanish language magazine. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of 71 lexical entries, I analyze - from a synchronic perspective - the incorporation of the loanwords into Spanish, taking into account both their propagation and adaptation and the degree of acceptability assigned by speakers surveyed for that purpose. By way of conclusion, I value the relationship between the social norm and the prescriptive one. When considering the inclusion of the words in consulted dictionaries, their use in the corpus, their adaptation and acceptance, I realized that not all the words that have been spread, adapted and accepted in the recipient system have been standardizedEn el campo semántico de la moda existen hoy varios términos tomados en préstamo del inglés y del francés. Si bien el segundo cuenta con una tradición más antigua, en los últimos años el inglés ha tomado gran protagonismo. En este trabajo estudio los anglicismos y galicismos presentes en un corpus constituido por artículos periodísticos de una revista publicada en español.  A partir del análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de 71 entradas léxicas, analizo -desde una perspectiva sincrónica- la incorporación de los préstamos al español, atendiendo tanto a su propagación y adaptación como al grado de aceptabilidad asignado por hablantes encuestados para tal finalidad. A modo de conclusión, valoro la relación entre la norma social y la prescriptiva. Al considerar la inclusión de las palabras en los diccionarios consultados, las ocurrencias en el corpus, la adaptación, y la aceptación de los préstamos, se observa que no todas las palabras que cuentan con propagación, adaptación y aceptación en el sistema receptor han sido normativizadas. In the semantic field of fashion we can find several terms borrowed from English and French, since even though French has an older tradition in fashion, in recent years English has gained great prominence too. In this work I study English and French loanwords found in a corpus comprised of fashion articles in a Spanish language magazine. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of 71 lexical entries, I analyze - from a synchronic perspective - the incorporation of the loanwords into Spanish, taking into account both their propagation and adaptation and the degree of acceptability assigned by speakers surveyed for that purpose. By way of conclusion, I value the relationship between the social norm and the prescriptive one. When considering the inclusion of the words in consulted dictionaries, their use in the corpus, their adaptation and acceptance, I realized that not all the words that have been spread, adapted and accepted in the recipient system have been standardized.

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