El sufrimiento psíquico de niños y jóvenes en los días actuales


rhe psychological sufering of children and youth has been highly discussed in the last fewyears. rhis discussion revolves mainly around a possible intensiication of this sufering, dueto changes in the experience and coniguration of social bonds. rhe interview approachesimportant aspects of the subjectivity of children and youth today. rhe dangers of the socalled Dzpathologization of everyday lifedz and its consequences, like the spike in and appeal ofmedicalization, the status of the body as a means of constitution of identity and the growingnumber of suicide amongst young people are some of the questions here discussed, refusing analarmist tone, and betting on the answers that the next generations will be able to produce. rherole of parents, professionals and society as a whole in addressing these new forms of suferingis also discussed.Keywords: youth, psychological sufering, medicalization, body

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