Hydrological simulation (Rainfall-Runoff) of Kalaya watershed (Tangier, Morocco) using Geo-spatial tools


In this study, the hydrologic modeling software HEC-HMS coupled with geo-spatial tools such as GIS and remote sensing have been used to establish the hydrological model in Kalaya watersheds located southeast of Tangier city (northwestern Morocco). The purpose is to simulate rainfall-runoff process in Kalaya watershed and to predict peak discharge for different return periods. In this hydrological simulation, SCS Curve Number method was selected as an infiltration part of the HEC-HMS model and direct runoff was transformed by US SCS unit hydrograph (UH). This model has allowed to establish unit hydrograph and various meteorological and hydrological processes for the flood hydrograph, as well as the estimation of runoff for 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, and 5 years return periods

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