Satisfaction of the nursing care for dying patients and their families in a palliative care unit-a questionnaire survey-


緩和ケア病棟に対する家族の満足度から今後の緩和ケアの在り方を検討する目的で,長崎市内の緩和ケア病棟において死亡退院患者の遺族を対象とし,郵送によるアンケート調査を行なった. 結果,患者への告知率は29%と低く,告知の有無により満足度に有意な差は認められなかった.入院時の選択理由は「身体的苦痛が軽減されると思ったから」が最も多く,71%が入院中の苦痛の緩和,スタッフの対応に満足とし,入院は最善であったと答えていた.家族へのケアは63%が十分であったと答え,提供されるケアや施設環境に満足感を多く得ていた.一方,スタッフとの人間関係の困難さ,夜間のケアが十分に受けられない,付き添い者にとっての設備の不足などが不満とされていた.The purpose of this study is to investigate how nursing care for cancer patients in the terminal stage of life. The subjects were bereaved families of the patients who admitted to a hospital-based palliative care unit in Nagasaki. Data were obtained from a questionnaire sent by mail. As a result, the care of informing the diagnosis to the patients was low (29%). There were no significant differences between the satisfaction of the informed and the not-informed. The major reason for the choice of the palliative care was relief from pain, and 71% of the families were satisfied with pain management and nursing care, and hospitality of the palliative care unit. Concluding that their choice was the best. Sixty-three percent of the families answered that the care to the family was sufficient, and were satisfied with the care and conveniences for patients. On the otherhand, some of the families were not satisfied because of uncomfortable relationship with the medical staff, the insufficient nursing care at night, and the poor conveniences for families

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