Analysis of the incidences of sero positive students against rubella, measles, varicella, and mumpus


長崎大学医療技術短期大学部看護学科学生の風疹,麻疹,水痘,ムンプスに対する血清抗体保有状況を調査した.対象は,男性13人と女性216人の229人で,抗体の測定は,風疹,麻疹,ムンプスは赤血球凝集抑制試験(HI法)で,水痘は補体結合反応(CF法)で行った.抗体陽性率は,風疹93.7%,麻疹42.5%,水痘38.3%,ムンプス76.9%だった.各ウイルス抗体陽性率に男女間,学年間の有意差は認められなかった.ウイルス抗体陽性者の抗体価は,風疹では高かったが,麻疹,水痘,ムンプスでのは低かった.また,抗体保有状況は既往歴の有無には一致しなかった.従って,既往歴もなく,抗体陰性の学生に対し,ワクチン接種を勧奨した.We have examined the antibodies against rubella, measles, varicellaand mumpus in sera of nursing students of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University. The number of them was 229, 13 male and 216 female. The antibodies were measured by hemagglutination inhibition test for rubella, measles and mumpus, or by a complement fixation reaction for varicella. The incidences of sero positive students against rubella, measles, varicella and mumpus were 93.7%, 42.5%, 38.3% and 76.9%, respectively. There were no significant differences between male and female or among classes. The titers of rubella antibody were relatively high, but those of measles, varicella and mumpus were low. Some students who answered that they had suffered from the diseases did not have the antibodies. Thus, we have not the antibodies and have not suffered from the diseases should be vaccinated in order to prevent hospital infections

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