Education for nursing students to promote the problem solving skill-Development and evaluation of the learning support system for knowledge and practice-


臨床経験の豊富な看護婦は,適切な判断で看護実践をしている.この時の知識や思考を対象化した研究は少ない.そこで,我々は,問題経路としての学習支援システムが看護計画に効果的か否かを調査することにした.開発した問題解決のシステム「心筋梗塞症」を使い看護学生の思考を分析したところ間題を決定する過程は多様であった.しかし,本システムの思考支援により健康問題の推論が高い確率で表現できていた.このことによって,日常生活の援助が生体の反応と関連を持つ経路であることが見出せた.Experienced nurses use appropriate judgement in their nursing practice. However, seldom research has been studied what the knowledge really is and ways of thinking. Based upon the current situation stated above, we decided to investigate if the learning system could be effective to support nursing plan as path of problems. We have analyzed thinking process of nursing students by using the problem solving system which was developped for AMI. As a result, we have found that they had different ways toidentify problems. On the other hand, there are high probabilities where they have expressed their reasoning relating to the heath promblems with the system support. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that the students were able to relate cause and effect in the process of problem solving if they were supported by this system

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