An Epidemiological Survey of Paragonimiasis in Hata District, Kochi Prefecture


October 1969, the authors made an epidemiological survey on paragonimiasis among residents of Hata District, Kochi Prefecture. On 2349 general inhabitants including the students of primary schools and junior high schools, intradermal test was carried out combining stool examination, chest X-ray photographying and some anamnesis studies. Incidence of metacercaria was also examined on the fresh water crabs, Eriockeir japonicus, which were collected from rivers through these areas. The skin test using VBS paragonimus antigen revealed positive in 13.3 per cent of the inhabitants examined. The positive rate was generally higher in mountainous resions located along the upper reaches of the Shimanto River, especially in a small community, Honmura, the highest rate was obtained as much as 27.6 per cent. The rate and intensity of the reaction tend to increase with age showing its peak at the group of 50 years of age. According to the stool examination, 22.5 per cent of 1726 persons were positive for Metagonimus yokogawai, indicating a high incidence of the parasite among the inhabitants in these areas. Paragonimus ova was detected in only 7 individuals, 1.9 per cent of 365 persons showing positive skin reaction. In the present survey, the rate of demotstrating ova from the test positive group was very low compared to that in the other endemic areas. On the other hand, abnormal chest X-ray findings suggesting paragonimus infection were frequently observed as in 18.6 per cent of the inhabitants having positive skin reaction. Metagonimus eggs were widely detected among the inhabitant without regard of intensity of the skin reaction. For instance, the eggs were demonstrated in 23.3 per cent among the test negative and in 26.0 per cent among the positives. Moreover, the frequency distribution of intensity of the reaction in the carriers group showed a similar pattern in that of healthy group. Therefore, it can be said that no positive reaction in these areas may be attributable to metagonimus infection. Metacercariae were demonstrated in 31.3 per cent of 166 crabs totally, however there was found a great difference in the incidence varing from 10.3 per cent to 83.3 per cent according to the localities collecting crabs. Generally speaking, it was highes at upper reaches of the river and lower in the parts of down stream.著者は高知県幡多郡の一般住民を対象として肺吸虫症蔓延の実態を調査し高い浸淫のあることを知った.得られた成績を要約すると次の通りである.1)小中高生徒,一般成人合計2,349名に肺吸虫抗原を用いて皮内反応を行い312名(13.3%)にVBS陽性反応が得られ,凝陽性を入れるとその率は20.5%である.2)反応陽性率及びその強さは年令と共に上昇するが,地域的にみると西土佐村で最も高く,特に河川の上流にある山間の部落に高率である.3)糞便検査の結果,皮内反応陽性群の中から7名に肺吸虫卵が発見されたが,それは皮内反応陽性者の1.9%にあたり検出率は極めて低率であることが注目される.4)被検者の22.5%に横川吸虫卵が認められたが,その寄生は皮内反応には影響ないと思われる.5)757名に胸部X線撮影を行い,73名(9.6%)に肺吸虫症と診定される異常所見が認められたが,皮内反応陽性者殊に成人層にその率が高い.6)河川のモクズガニを調べ10.3%から83.3%にメタセルカリアの寄生を認め,住民の間には広く「カニ」を食べる習慣が認められる

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