Attempt to Change the Virulence of RH and Beverley Strains of Toxoplasma gondii by Drug Treatment


実験室で用いられているトキソプラズマのRH株およびBeverley株は、それぞれ毒性が比較的安定しており,前者は強毒株として知られ,感染マウスは数日で死ぬが,後者は慢性感染をおこし,マウスは長く生存し,その脳内にシストができる.この実験の目的は,それぞれの株の毒性を全く反対の性質に変えようということである.得られた成績は次の通りではる.1. RH株接種マウス群では,スピラマイシンやサルゾールS(sulfathiazole-N^4)を与えた場合,無処置対象群よりもマウスの生存期間がやや長くなるが,結局急性感染死する.しかしサルファダイアジンやポリサイダール(サルファメソピラジン)で,長期間治療を続けるとRH感染マウスの多くは30日以上の長期間生存し,脳内にシストの検出された例もあった.しかしこのシストを別のマウスに接種すると,2代目マウスは急性感染死し,結局RH株を弱毒化することはできなかった.なお慢性期においてもRH抹では,必ずしもシスト壁につつまれずに虫体が生残しわずかではあるが増殖している可能性がある.2. Beverley株接種マウスにケナコルト(トリアムシノロン)またはコーチゾンを筋注し,急性感染をおこさせ,接種5日後に腹腔洗液を次代の同じ処置をしたマウスに接種する.このような操作を5代継続し,6代目から無処置マウスに変えて,Beverley株がRH株のように強毒株に移行するかどうかを調べた.結果は1部処置群のみならず無処置対照群でも,強毒化するものがあった.しかしこの強毒化した性質はきわめて不安定で,継代を続けるうちにしばしばもとのBeverley株本来の弱毒な毒性に戻った.3.結局両株とも実験株として,長いマウスによる継代の間にその毒性がすっかり安定しており,両株ともその毒性を逆転させることはできなかったが,この実験中興味深い観察が得られたので,それについて論じた.In the present study, the author attempted 1) to change the virulence of RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii to that of Beverley type by the treatment of antitoxoplasma drugs and 2) to change the virulence of Beverley strain of T. gondii to that of RH type by the treatment of cortison or Kenacort (triamcinolone). The following results were obtained. 1) Mice inoculated RH strain died within 4~5 days in control without treatment, and mice treated with spiramycin or sulfathiazole-N^4 died of an acute infection, but survival periods were slightly longer than those of non-treated control mice. Mice treated orally with sulfadiazine or Policydal (sulfamethopyrazine) for 10~20 days survived for a long period, and from few of the mice, cysts were found in their brains. Proliferative forms were also found in several organs of the survival mice including brain. As a result, in the RH strain modification of the virulence by drugs did not succeed. 2) To enhance the virulence of Beverley strain, mice were treated with cortison or Kenacort just before the inoculation of parasite. Five days later a fluid which was taken by washing with a physiological saline of the peritoneal cavity of each mouse was inoculated to each fresh mouse which was treated with cortison or Kenacort. After the same treatment and inoculation were repeated up to five passages of mice, the washing fluid of last passage mouse of each series was inoculated to fresh mouse without the treatment. After stop of the treatment, some mice died of an acute infection, within 4~5 days and even in the non-treated control series, one case became a virulent type for several passages. But, if once the virulence of Beverley strain enhanced like RH type, often the parasites of "virulent" Beverley type turn again to avirulent Beverley type (cyst-cyst type) after serial passages

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