Analysis of regional events recorded at NORESS


Events recorded by NORESS are analyzed to determine the velocities and times of coherent crustal phases to be used in accurate locations and determination of crustal structure. The events straddle two azimuthal directions, and range in distance from 50 to 300 km, thus sampling two cross-sections of the crust and upper mantle: one in the Caledonides to the northwest of NORESS and the other to the south along the eastern rim of the Oslo Graben. f-k analysis is used to search for coherent phases in the data. All vertical channels are then stacked with the appropriate time delays calculated from the phase velocities and azimuths obtained for the coherent arrivals. Finally, a composite seismogram is made for each event by piecing together time sections from the stacks, where each time piece represents a coherent arrival. -from Author

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